EXCITING NEWS: Your Nourishment Journey starts here!

How Be Epic with Natalie was Born

I’d love to share a little from my heart with you. Even if you were a teensy bit interested in what life is like in my Epicure biz, Be Epic with Natalie, keep reading.

It is seriously the BEST. JOB. EVER.

It wasn’t that long ago that I was feeling like I wanted something more, something fun to take me into my “retirement fun job”. Then, I discovered Epicure quite by chance!

We had been living in New Brunswick for about 6 weeks when I put my fridge up for sale.  A lovely gal, Michelle, bought my fridge and we became fast friends.  Michelle invited me to an Epicure event, I looked at the catalogue and sadly said “I can’t buy anythin, I only eat gluten free foods”.  Much to my delight she advised all Epicure is gluten free, nut free, sodium and sugar conscious and more!

A monht later there was an offer to sign up, and get a great kit, for under $100 and I decided to take the leap.  This decision was easy for me, I love food, I love cooking and I love helping people live their best life through good nourishment. I studied Holistic Nutrition for personal use only and love how Epicure and my skills and love of food mesh so well together.

I am also an introvert, getting myseflf out there to meet new people and talk to them (you), is huge for me.  Once I know you I will be a great friend, getting to that point can be challenging for me!

My business has been a game-changer for me and my family and I love talking to others that might be in a similar spot. I’d love to answer any questions that have crossed your mind even if you have a tiny bit of curiosity! Schedule a quick call with me and I’ll happily send you share how simple all of this is. No strings attached! What do you think?

PS: I know phone calls can be challenging while juggling all the things life throws at us. Feel free to simply reply with any questions or shoot me a text at (506-404-1925), too! 🙂


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