EXCITING NEWS: Your Nourishment Journey starts here!

How did this start?

My name is Natalie Beauchamp and I am a Holistic Nutritionist in training.

In September 2017 I signed up with CSNN, in Mississauga, Ontario. I was very excited to learn as much as I could about Holistic Nutrition to help myself, my family, and my community!

I successfully completed first year and excitedly anticipated second year in September 2018.  Unfortunately I had some health issues arise and in October 2018 I withdrew from the program.

Fast forward to August 2023 when I started thinking about how I would love to get back intot he program to finish my studies and become a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.

I reached out to CSNN Moncton and became a student again!

As we are winding down year 1 of the program, where I received credit for some classes, and participated in others, my excitement to complete this program has grown.

Year 2 will bring challenges, lots of learning and growing as an individual culminating in the writing of my Board Exam on August 2025.

I cannot wait to be of service to my community here in New Brunswick sharing for all who will hear about the benefits and healing properties of what we eat!

How Can a Holistic Nutritionist Help You?

  • Personalized Nutrition Plans: Tailored to your unique needs and lifestyle.
  • Whole-Body Health: Addressing root causes, not just symptoms.
  • Emphasis on Natural Foods: Promoting unprocessed, nutrient-dense options.
  • Chronic Condition Management: Practical dietary strategies for better health.
  • Mental Health Boost: Foods and supplements to support brain health and mood.
  • Detoxification Guidance: Programs to clear harmful substances from your body.
  • Digestive Health Improvement: Identifying and adjusting for food sensitivities.
  • Education and Empowerment: Knowledge to make informed, healthy choices.
  • Emotional & Spiritual Wellness: Incorporating mindfulness and holistic practices.
  • Sustainable Lifestyle Changes: Developing long-term healthy habits.

Be Epic with Natalie, loving food & living well!

Thanks for stopping by!

I have always loved food!  Thankfully my parents raised my in a family where healthy eating was always at the forefront, much to my dismay as I grew older.

I was raised with no sugar, meaining no candy, no take out food, no fast food, no canned or processed foods.  My mum made everything we ate and it always had a healthy twist to it.

With this as my foundation , even though there were periods of time in my life when healthy eating took a back seat, I always knew that the right food, prepared in the right way, was the key to good health.

With this in mind, and the fact that I knew I would keep working at something for as long as I could and I found my perfect role as an Epicure Ambassador and Holisitic Nutritionist (currently in training), and with this in mind I founded Be Epic with Natalie.

Once I am a Certified Holistic Nutritionist I will be adding services to my business related to healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle.