My Happy Co Story
I heard about the Happy Co. products from a friend. I had concerns about a loved one struggling with anxiety and being overwhelmed.
I decided to take some time to research the products before placing an order. Everything I read indicated these products were scientifically proven and could help so I placed on order.
Within a week of my loved one drinking the functional coffee and taking the xathohumol capsules their sleep was better and their anxiety was almost non-existent.
I thought, well what might these do for me! So I also started the same combo of coffee and cap.
Within no time my mind was clearer and I had more focus. Recently I realized my need to control any and all situations or conversations was non-existent, my mind was free! I no longer have to be in control of everything, I no longer feel the need to assert my opinions or beliefs on everyone and I have to tell you this is the most freeing feeling ever!
I love how adaptogenic these products are, they help where our body needs help because they balance our neurotransmitters.
The changes in my life and that of my loved on are truly amazing. We are now living calmer and happier lives, which is just amazing!

My Holistic Nutrition Journey
My name is Natalie Beauchamp and I am a Holistic Nutritionist in training.
In September 2017 I signed up with CSNN, in Mississauga, Ontario. I was very excited to learn as much as I could about Holistic Nutrition to help myself, my family, and my community!
I successfully completed first year and excitedly anticipated second year in September 2018. Unfortunately I had some health issues arise and in October 2018 I withdrew from the program.
Fast forward to August 2023 when I started thinking about how I would love to get back intot he program to finish my studies and become a Certified Holistic Nutritionist.
I reached out to CSNN Moncton and became a student again!
I have moved to the fulltime Enhanced Natural Nutrition Program with Clinical Studies and am so excited to have the hands on experience! The school year will end in May 2025culminating in the writing of my Board Exam in June 2025.Exam on August 2025.
I cannot wait to be of service to my community here in New Brunswick sharing information about the benefits and healing properties of what we consume to support our minds and bodies!

Services Offered
At Be Epic with Natalie we offer individual Meal Planning and Meal Prep session, group workshops, kids workshops & can personalize a workshop just for you!
We also sell Happy Co products which are listed here.

Hello, there!
I’m Natalie Beauchamp with Be Epic with Natalie. I’m on a mission to help people live their most nourishing life. If you’re looking for this, you’re in the right place. I can’t wait to get to know you better and support you as you start your nourishment journey.
Be sure to say hi! I would love to connect.

Discover Nootropics
Our flagship product DOSE naturally releases your brains own happy hormones and chemicals (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins) so you are elevated, satisfied and happy ❤, it naturally raises your energy level, gives you focus and motivation, stops sugar and carb cravings, helps anxiety, depression and so much more. It’s not a diet yet takes away the struggles of cravings and appetite.
The golden cap Xanthohumol supplement assists in lowering oxidative stress and free radicals which are the main cause of cancer and disease. It assists in boosting your immune system and fighting viruses. It also helps lower internal inflammation which aids in reducing pain from many different things.

Be Epic with Natalie
At Be Epic with Natalie our goal is to help you to live your most nourishing life.
Currently I am a Registered Holistic Nutritional Consultant in Training, as such I will share my journey on this web page until I am certified in the Fall of 2025!

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